Tricia Wang has a talk called ‘Thick Data’. In the talk, she wonders why having more data doesn’t translate immediately into better and faster decisions. I also wondered this many times during my first months as a solo researcher. The answer was shockingly unsurprising: everything surrounding data is HUMAN hence, complicated. My story, in a nutshell I […]
Son 6 en total y abarcan sugerencias para usuarios del espectro autista, dislexia, capacidades motoras o físicas distintas, visión reducida, dificultades auditivas y usuarios de lectores de pantallas. El contenido y diseño de los mismos es producto de la investigación y experiencia del equipo de accesibilidad de la Home Office Digital del gobierno de Reino […]
Role: I was the IxD and UI designer. Along with a technical project manager and UX analyst, we were the team hired to design the app. On the client side, we interacted with an industrial designer (leader), marketing and customer service teams as well as technology agencies working for the company. Time: 9 weeks 4 design sprints […]
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